ЄДРПОУ: 38635219

pangeyaultimadc@gmail.com, pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com


м.Вінниця, вул. Дмитра Майбороди, 2а


The public institution Raseiniai Center for Disabled Persons Employment and Services establish on 2020 January 1. The aim of the center is to ensure the quality of general and special social services provided, accessibility and development. Residents of Raseiniai district (with disabilities) are provided with information, counseling, employment, organization of free time, personal hygiene, physiotherapy, social care, education, training, and other social services according to their needs. The center carries out the following activities: physical activity promotion classes (morning exercise, periodically organized sports activities, etc.); individualized educational social activities (knowledge of time, environment, etc.); daily life skills development classes (cooking, personal hygiene, etc.); art, ceramics, music, theater classes; cultural activities (attending theaters, exhibitions, etc.), organization of various holidays. More about a project you can find https://shorturl.at/acfmA


The living place will be in a dormitory of Raseiniai school. At the dormitory, volunteers will live in separate private rooms and will have their own space. As well will have free use of a shared fully equipped kitchen, dining room, and hygiene room. A project will cover costs like accommodation, food, travel, and living expenses of the volunteer. Henner insures volunteers all project time. The volunteer is going to be paid pocket and food money at the end of each month.


Before coming he/she will have the pre-departure session in this country and when come to Lithuania will have an on-arrival and mid-term training. Training will be about volunteering experience and Youthpass certificate. In Raseiniai Center for Disabled Persons Employment and Services, she/he can learn about Lithuanian culture and traditions, know how to organize and implement activities for youth people with disabilities, have a clearer idea of what they want to do in the future, and realize volunteer in different activities.


We generally look for volunteers who are dynamic, creative, sociable, patient, and willing to work with people with disabilities. All people 18-30 years old interested and motivated in working with disabled people, the patient and responsible would like to help to create and implement projects, initiatives, activities for young people with disabilities and basics English and Russe leagues. Service activities may include arts and culture, and activities with young people or older people, in the fields of creative employment, sports, and leisure.

Application deadline: 25/08/2023

Raseiniai Lithuania

Поділитись інформацією
Kateryna Marchenko
Kateryna Marchenko
Articles: 48